My kayak paddler history is a bit strange. The beginning is in year 2008 or something. After that it was in my mind for several years that I could have my own kayak and that came in year 2010 when I bought one and my brother another. We used them somewhat that summer but somehow I became insecure using the boat so nothing happened in the year after. Actually we were paying every year a fee for storing the kayaks in a good storage area in Reykjavik but the boats were just gathering dust. I was even not sure the boats were in the storage area any longer or if they had been stolen.
All clever people would have sold the kayak but I did the opposite, I bought another kayak but now a different one, sit on top kayak and that was it – I was somewhat hooked on it. This happened early in year 2023 or perhaps I bought the kayak in December 2022 but got it from the store in April 2023.
I am mostly paddling on my own – solo kayaking. Relatively safe since I am mostly going to small lakes and quiet streams. The lake I like the most and paddle most often on is very shallow and half if it has depth less than one meter. It is close to Reykjavík and usually I am 15-20 minutes to get there by car from my home.
Now I even are thinking of buying one more kayak, a smaller one that is easier to carry around in my small Suzuki Jimny! And also, I still have the first kayak. I tried my brother’s kayak of that that is of the same type and is very unstable!