One never knows his whole life until it ends and so am I. After finishing my CS university degree in Mechanical/industrial engineering in year 1991 and working in the field of quailty management and IT security management, both as a consultant and also as head of quaility manament and ecurity management in Skyrr one of the largest IT firms in Iceland (now Advania) I tried to change my course and went to university again.
Studying first some environmental science but then taking most of the geology courses needed to finish BS degree. I did not finish that degree completely since I started MS study in Geophysics which I finished.
The subject of my MS research was paleomagnetic survey in hyaloclastite mountains. Something that has almost never been done before. The aim of the study was to find out if it was possible to use magnetic measurements in volcanoes to find out some evidence about their duration of buildup or formation. The study field I had was Hlöðufell, on of the tuyas we have here in Iceland.
I finished my MS degree in year 2019 and the MS thesis is here.

Some work from my geology study
- Glaciology history of Iceland (2011) – only available in Icelandic
- Geology history of Greenland (2011) – only available in Icelandic
- Arnarþúfur – magnetic measurements (2012) Gropu work – Icelandic only
- Hagafellsjöklar (2015) – Only available in Icelandic
- Jarðfræðikort fyrir Úlfarsfell (2012) – Group work only available in Icelandic
- Fláajökull Field trip (2012), Glacial geology – Group work
- Piton de La Fournaise – Le Réunion hotspot (2014)
- Europian field trip: Bornholm and Skan (2013)
- The Azores –A Triple Junction on a Hot Spot (2013) Enhanced abstract
- The Azores –A Triple Junction on a Hot Spot (2013) Presentation
- Geophysic measurements on Snaefellsnes peninsula (2012) Group work – Icelandic
- Markarfljót – sedimentology (2011) – Group work